Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Media Studies - A2 project - create a music video

From - www.ridwanahmed.blogspot.com

For this project, three peers and I were assigned the exercise of creating a music video. All being fans of rock music, we decided to film our video with use of 'Mr Brownstone', by Guns N Roses as the song.

Final Video

Animation in the video -  Rather than conforming entirely to traditional  rock video conventions, I raised the idea of using animation in the video. This emphasised the effect of the drugs on my character and gave the video a postmodern twist, creating a wider target audience.

Test video - Drug scene
Due to my 'test subject' (my younger brother) being only 11 I have left out the scene 'taking of the drugs', however, still edited all of the other shots, to give the appearance that he has taken drugs.

Storyboard for the drug scene

Ancillary Tasks - Once the video was complete we were assigned another task, each to create both a poster promoting a Digipak, including a Digipak cover. Throughout the project I have made a variety of animate band pictures, to promote the imaginery band (White Lightning).


Sticking with this postmodern twist, I designed these;

Final Touches - After putting our heart and souls into this project achieving 98 out of the total 100 points, I decided to suprise the group by putting the video on separate discs for a keepsake and 'Lightscribed' them with my distinct designs, creating unique discs for each member of the 'band'.

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